marți, 24 aprilie 2012

Black Sea Coast

Limited in-between Capul Midia and Vama Veche, the Romanian Littoral zone of the Black Sea extends on 245 km. Along the European road E87, there are aligned the 15 resorts, offering the tourists over 250,000 accommodations.

This is Romanians’ favorite destination for holidays.

The most important resort is Mamaia, situated north of the city of Constanta, on a strip of land separating the Black Sea from the Siutghiol Lake.
Mamaia is a popular destination during summer time, for Romanians as well as for foreign tourists, as a result of major programs of investment.

Other important resorts are: Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Costinesti, Neptun, Venus, Saturn, Vama Veche.

Costinesti is the traditional resort for students, while Vama Veche, at the southern extremity, at the border with Bulgaria, is the place for fishermen, also known for the “hippie” atmosphere.

The beach, oriented east and south-east, has a width varying between 150 – 200 m, mostly covered by fine sand. The slope is smooth and easily accessible, the salinity of the sea is reduced and water’s temperature is approximately 24 C degrees during the summer season.
The climate is mild thanks to the sea breezes, rich in aerosols which alleviate the heat of summer days. During the season, one can sunbathe 10 – 12 hours a day.
The Black Sea is the third in size in Europe, and the second for what concerns its depth. Marine currents are weak and the tide is of approximately 10-20 cm. There lives a species of sharks (Squalus acanthias – “the sea dog”) of small dimensions, but harmless for humans and which does not approach the shore.

Moreover, for those who wish to follow medical treatments, there are different balnearic resources with mineral and mineralized waters, therapeutic muds, in the treatment bases near the lakes of Techirghiol, Tatlageac, Neptun, Belona, Siutghiol, Corbu, Sinoe, Navodari and Tasaul.
There are multiple possibilities for accommodation, from five stars hotels to boarding houses, campings or even in the houses of the natives. Usually, starting with the 1 of September, prices lower because it’s extraseason.
For entertainment, there are numerous bars, discotheques, casinos, one can play bowling or billiards, ping-pong, there are especially designed areas for playing sports like European football, tennis, volleyball, badminton, basketball, and for the most daring there is the possibility of practicing nautical sports.


Mamaia is one of the most famous resorts from the Romanian Black Sea Coast. Situated north of Constanta, somewhere between The Black Sea and Suitghiol Lake, it is best known for its large accommodation possibilities. It has the greatest accommodation potential, better said. Mamaia is a resort with a very dynamic development; the tourists have got used to the fact that they are welcomed here with new surprises every year: palm trees, Aqua Magic (a water park), artesian wells, the Telegondola (a modern cable-railway), decker buses.
Mamaia is unique for the breadth of the beaches and also for their length (more than 8 km). The sand on the beaches is very soft and the tourists enjoy themselves when they bathe into the sea. Most of it, the beach is licensed, the tourists having the opportunity to enjoy the beach umbrellas and lounge chairs (paying a certain fee, of course). But there are large places on the beaches where the tourists may stay for free. The beach from the south (near the entrance place in Constanta) is narrow and pebbly. The beach from the center of the city is the most crowded one, as it represents the place where the most beach events are organized (contests, festivals etc.). The beach from the northern side of the city is the best taken care of and there the sand is the softest.
Here and there, there are lifeguard points. The lifeguards are well-trained and are on duty daily between 8:00 and 20:00.

One of the main attractions of the resort is the water park Aqua Magic, a place where the tourists have a lot of fun. Aqua Magic is situated at the entrance of the resort and can be visited by all tourists, as there are no age interdictions. The park itself can host up to 2500 visitors. Having an area of 4000 square meters of water, this amusement park includes slides, pools and water basins. The tourists may find restaurants, bars, fast-food services, sweetshops, as well as souvenirs and picture postcards. The tourists may choose to tan themselves while sitting on the lounge chairs or to swim into the pools. Aqua Magic is illuminated, so therefore, festivals or other various forms of entertaining may be organized during the night. For the first time, an outdoor dancing floor has been built here. The tourists can see various light effects and hear sound effects and also they can see water effects, namely the water moves or dances according to the rhythm and the intensity of the music.


Eforie Nord is situated between Agigeea and Eforie Sud and almost 12 km away from Constanta. Tourists may arrive there either by train (following the route Constanta – Mangalia, route that is used permanently) or by common means of transport, which is various, both in type and quality.

Eforie Nord is a non-stop balneary and climatic resort, well known for its balneary treatments and it’s a very popular holiday resort, as the tourist services are convenient for everyone, regarding the prices.
The beach of the resort reaches 3-4 km in length and 20-100 in breadth, being bounded by a high cliff in the northern side, place where tourists usually take long walks.

The beach of Eforie Nord Resort presents the following characteristics: the beach from the southern part, the one that leads towards Eforie Sud resort, stands as the best in this resort, as it is larger, easier to reach and includes many entertaining places. There is no cliff in the region of the resort. The beaches from the northern part and center part respectively, are, however, narrower, more crowded and the access to them is made from a high cliff by coming down several stairs.
The accommodation services are private and the tourists have the opportunity of negotiating the prices with the owners, according to the number of days they want to stay and the number of persons that want to get accommodation here.


Being one of the cheapest resorts on the Romanian seaside, Eforie Sud is a summery resort, situated between Eforie Nord (N) and Tuzla (S), between The Black Sea (E) and Techirghiol Lake (W). It is 18-20 km away from Constanta.
The beach here is the narrowest among all the beaches belonging to the Romanian sea-side, due to the water-erosion and the lack of investments for the protection of this environment. The cliff is very high and the access to the beach is made by walking certain stairs. It is worth mentioning that there’s a 2 km long high-quality beach in the northern part of this resort. There are also some large places where the sand is very soft. Eforie Sud is a very beautiful and peaceful resort, it offers a superb panorama and the prices are low.

The main attraction is represented by the “Baile Reci” (The Cold Baths) in mud, completely modernized. Here you can also find a Sanitarium for children suffering of rheumatism. Diseases such as physical weakness and rachitis are treated here. The resort stands out through a limy promontory and through a high cliff, on top of which the tourists may see a great panorama of the entire city. Outdoor theater, water sports and are also other entertaining activities for tourists.


Known by everyone as the “youth resort” or “the capital of summer festivals”, Costinesti Resort lies on the shore of the Black Sea, 31 km away from Constanta. Its southern limit is the commune called 23 August, its northern one is the commune Tuzla and the eastern limit is The Black Sea.
The beach of this resort has two main characteristics/features: the beach from the southern part is large, but also very crowded and the place where the tourists usually enter the water of the sea is very pebbly (near The Obelisk and BTT). The beach from the northern part (towards the Wreck) is narrow, limited by a cliff, which is not too high. However, the water is very clean and the sand is very soft here.

For water sports lovers, there is Costinesti Lake (which has an area of 7 ha), where the tourists can sail the boat or hydro-bicycle. This lake is a very special one, being the only one that is not supplied from the underground.
Before entering the city of Costinesti (inhabited by 1300 people), the tourists may also visit the village of Schitu (inhabited by 1800 people). A children camp can be found here. Up to 200 children can apply for this camp.


Neptun is situated between Olimp and Jupiter (two other seaside resorts), 35 km away from Constanta and 8 km away from Mangalia.
The main attraction of this resort is the beach called “La steaguri”, which is one of the best organized beaches on the Romanian seaside, together with the beaches from Mangalia resort. People can sail on the sea with the boats every day here (the open sea tour). The beach from Neptun is connected both with the ones from Jupiter (S) and Olimp (N), but as far as the connection with the latter beach is concerned, they are not directly connected, as there is an area that separates them, area that belongs to the Government. There, one may see the most expensive mansions from Romania. These mansions belonged to the State Protocol of the ex-Communist Regime.

The beach of the Neptun resort is 30-100 m broad, it contains fine sand, clean water and a lot of entertaining possibilities and other various services.
It’s one of the most luxurious resorts of the Romanian seaside. The beach is mostly covered by lounge chairs and beach umbrellas for which people have to pay. Hardly is there a place for the tourists that want to sit on their own sheets. Neptun-Olimp is a very changing resort, because it was built on the gulfs between the sea and Neptun Lake. As a consequence for that, the hotels are placed atypically. Neptun resort is somehow similar to Mamaia resort, as the prices are high in restaurants and bars, but the quality of the products is high.


Situated at 3-20 m above the sea level, 3 km away from Mangalia and 41 km away from Constanta, Venus resort is an ideal destination for relaxation, fun, but also for treatment, as well. The resort includes a large natural beach (1, 2 km in length between Venus and Saturn resorts and 200 m in breadth) with soft sand used for heliotherapy and thalasso-therapy. There are also hypothermal sulfuric mineral springs, which are fixed in such a manner that they look like showers. For party lovers, there are restaurants, bars, discos, clubs, pools, various shops, cinemas, playgrounds, an amusement park etc. There is a pavilion in the Southern part of the resort, place that is specially designed for sulfurous baths, mud treatments and a very important stud farm.


Saturn resort is situated in the vicinity of the town Mangalia, 43 km away from Constanta. It is bounded on the north by Venus resort. Together with the entertaining programmes that are provided here, the main attraction of the resort is the existence of the sulphurous mesothermal water springs and of the therapy mud. Both the spring water and the therapy mud are used for the treatment of the gynecologic affections and affections regarding the locomotor system (musculoskeletal system).
The beach is situated between the beaches of Venus and Mangalia. The southern side of the beach, which leads to Mangalia, is indented by several artificial gulfs that have an easy access to the sea, but they are less broad than the breadth of the beach. The northern side, which leads to Venus, is almost 2 km long and 100-150 km broad. There are no impediments on the beach that might bother the tourists while going into the sea (stones, glass shards etc…).

In Saturn, tourists may find two holyday villages (Dunarea and Delta), a camping site, restaurants, bars, many swimming pools, summer gardens, discos, playgrounds for minigolf, tennis, an outdoor cinema, an amusement park. For water sports and horse riding lovers, there are many possibilities to practice them. For the adventurous types, the tourist routes include the ancient town of Callatis, the other holyday resorts and even some close regions of the Dobrudja plateau.


It is a small town, situated several km away south of 2 Mai. It has become lately a popular spot for tourists, due to the atmosphere of nonconformity (similar to Costinesti), and low prices.
The beach is pretty much ok, it is approximately 200 m broad. There is also an old wreck placed several hundreds of m away from the coast, just like in Costinesti.

The tourists can find private accommodation (there are many villas and mansions). Tourists can also find accommodation in the camping sites where they can put up tents.

Points of Interest:

The Casino from Constanta stands for a guide mark on Constanta’s touristic map. It was built in 1909 following the plan of the architect Daniel Renard, and it represents the only element of the “art nouveau” style.

 The Casino in summer
The Casino in winter

In front of the casino there is the Aquarium from Constanta, inaugurated in 1958 which offers the tourist a fascinating incursion in the sea world. There can be admired different species of fish both of fresh waters and also of salt waters, exotic fish, the thornback ray, the seahorse, the dragonfish, the scorpionfish, a collection of sturgeons, all the species living in the Black Sea being represented, and innumerable species of invertebrates.
We mustn’t forget about the Genovese Lighthouse, octagon shaped, 8 meters high, situated on the sea-wall in Constanta, built between 1858 – 1860, in memory of the Genovese merchants

Transport possibilities
In order to reach the Romanian seaside by car, you have at your disposal the Bucharest-Fetesti-Constanta National Road or the European Road E60 Urziceni-Slobozia-Constanta, or the European Road E87 Tulcea-Constanta, with derivation for Braila and Galati, or the National Road Calarasi-Ostrov-Constanta.
On the railway, you ca choose direct routes to Constanta from almost any corner of the country. Or, there is the possibility of changing the route in Bucarest. During the season, the numver of trains going to the seaside is increased. In between Constanta and Mangalia, there are train stations and flag stations from where one can reach any of the resorts. This way, from Constanta’s station, one can reach Mamaia and Navodari; the following stations are Agigea, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, flag station Tuzla, the station of Costinesti, the flag station Costinesti and the flag station Neptun, in order to reach the resorts Neptun, Olimp, Jupiter, the station of Mangalia for Mangalia, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Cap Aurora, Neptun, Olimp, 2 Mai and Vama Veche.
For those who want to use air routes, The International Airport “Mihail Kogalniceanu” is situated only approximately 20 km away from Constanta. This airport serves the entire Romanian coast of the Black Sea and it is connected to the main European capitals through charter flights during the summer season.

Winter on the Black Sea Coast

vineri, 13 aprilie 2012

Great Bucegi Sphinx

The Sphinx is a natural rock formation in the Bucegi Mountains in Romania. it is located at an altitude of 2216 meters .
The first picture of the Great Bucegi Sphinx was probably taken in 1900 . The photo was taken from a front position  , not from a lateral one , as it appears in the usual pictures nowadays . This way it was only named in the year 1936.
The image of the Sphinx appeared when the rock , having 8 m height and a 12 m width , was watched from a certain angle .
This structure is not a man-made structure , rather it is a natural wonder of the world. The egyptian's sphinx is considered to be a replica of this natural wonder
The megalith has its clearest outline in the 21st November , at the time the sun goes down.

Here we can see the Sphinx in a warm summer day , when many tourist com to see it

The picture was taken on a winter day and the sphinx is covered by snow . In my opinion it becomes more beautiful when covered in snow

Some people say that in the middle of the 20th century a drunk solider came near the sphinx , took his gun and shot the sphinx's nose , and this is why the sphinx hasn't got a nose.
This may be just a legend or can be a true fact , nobody knows for sure.

joi, 12 aprilie 2012

Balea Cascada

Balea Cascada (in english Balea Falls) is situated at 1234 meters of altitude in the Fagaras Mountains near the Transfagarasan Road and Balea Lake
Despite the fact that in Romania there are more spectacular waterfalls , the most famous remains Balea Cascada (or "Urlatoarea Balei" as the romanians used to call it)

In this picture we can see the Transfagarasan Road  in late winter which is covered by snow and the cars are not allowed to use the road until early summer when the snow will be melt.  
In the middle of the picture Balea Cascada .
In this photography you can see the waterfall in summer when the sun is shining , is warmer and many tourist come to see the beauties of the Fagaras mountains .

There is a Hotel near the Balea Cascada which offer tourists accommodation , food and other services.
The Balea Cascada hotel even has a bar and a conference room for clients.

luni, 2 aprilie 2012

Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is the second largest river in Europe after Volga Delta and is the best prezerved on the continent.

The modern Danube delta began forming after 4.000 BC in a gulf of. The Black Sea when the sea rose to its present level.A sandy barrier blocked Danube gulf where the river initially built its delta. Upon filling the gulf with sediments , the delta advanced outside the barrier-blocked estuary after 3.500 BC building several  successive lobes (the St. George I  3.500-1.600 BC , the Sulina (1.600-0 BC) , the St. George II (0 BC - Present) and the Chilia or Kilia 1600 AD -Present)

The Danube, the only river on Earth that passes through 10 countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine) and four capitals (Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Belgrade) flows into the Black Sea via a delta which covers, together with Razelm – Sinoe lagoon complex, about 5050 square kilometers, of which 732 square kilometers are in Ukraine. More precisely, it has the following coordinates: 28° 10’ 50” East (Cotul Pisicii) and 29° 42’ 45” East (Sulina); 45° 27’ North (Chilia Branch, km. 43) and 44° 20’ North (Midia Cape).
In 1991, it became part of the UNESCO patrimony, being the only delta in the world that is declared a Biosphere Reserve.

Atractions in Delta 

The institutions that coordinate the economic and touristic activities from this area are in Tulcea, although the town is not situated in the Delta.
You can also find here some interesting museums, like the History and Archaeology Museum, the Ethnography and Folk Art Museum, the Art Museum or Natural Sciences Museum.

When a tourist arrives in Tulcea, he /she has a lot of options for a trip into the heart of the Delta. The best way to arrive there is by motorboat (30 euro per person). The fast trains await their clients on the cliff from Tulcea. A very important spot is the channel called “Cu barca prin padure”, which is in fact a whirlpool that dug its way through a willow forest. The tourist has the impression that he travels though a sinking forest. The ones who want to visit the ”Purcelu” bird colony, they have to pay extra 10 euro. They can see egrets, herons etc.

The tourists that want a several – days perjury, they can travel by the passenger ship from Tulcea on the arms of the Danube. Every town that you get in the way is full of pensions that offer, besides accommodation, trips on the channels, traditional fish dishes and fishing contests, according to the tourists’ skills (the prices demanded by the pensions are no higher than 50 lei for the night).
Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe and Jurilocva-Gura Portitei are options for the tourists that are in love with the sea and want to discover the beauties of the Delta. Paying 100-400 lei for each night, the tourist can get accommodation in hotels, pensions or villas. They have the pure beaches of the Romanian sea-side at their disposal, but also they can go to the Delta for specific activities.

Sunset in the Danube Delta.

Here we can see the Black Sea in the left part of the picture and the Danube in the right part of  the photo taken from an airplane

Faun and flora

Thanks to the 5149 species of faun and flora, specialists consider it a veritable gene bank for the universal patrimony. Besides all these, we should say that this is the home for most of the common pelican (about 8 000 specimens) and curly pelican (about 200 specimens) European population; for 60% of the world population of small (pygmy) cormorant (about 6 000 specimens); for 50% of the world population of red breasted goose (about 40 000 specimens during winter). Besides all that, there are also 1 200 species of trees and plants. Everywhere you look, you can see floating aits covered with bulrush and reed, lianas like in the tropical woods, lakes with muddy depths and surfaces covered with water lilies. The fishers’ boats disturb the pelicans, the flocks of cormorants and the moor hens from their nests.

Over 300 species of bird have been recorded , the most important being: White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus (2.500 pairs) , Little egret  E. garzetta (1.400 pairs) , Mute swan Cygnus olor  (500 pairs) , Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus (150 pairs) etc.

This is a sturgeon. 
The Delta is very important for fish with 45 fresh water species.

The forest areas contain several rare reptiles , including Vipera ursini , Elaphe longissiuma and Eramias arguta deserti.

 Old Romanian fishing boat

Costums and Traditions

A series of customs, different from one village to another, are prepared for the older ones who have a baby. In Murghiol, for instance, the parents must jump over a fire set in their yard, meaning that they left the misfortunes behind. In Baltenii de Sus or Mahmudia the parents are toppled over the boat, because the water must wash their bad thoughts. The rich ones can redeem this “watering” with a treat at the village tavern for all who pass by.
In C.A. Rosetti and Caraorman, people put horse skulls at their gates to protect themselves from curs and witchcrafts, believing that the possible misfortunes will fall down over these skulls. The Lippovans do not allow anyone to whistle in their boat, because that brings them bad luck. Local fishermen usually use fire water or vodka as trade coins here.

Villagers fishing

Danube Delta's Curiosities 

Even if the fisherman’s stories raise a smile of distrust, some curiosities deserve mentioning anyway: the smallest fish reported is a frog fish (Knipowitschia cameliae), with a length smaller than 3.2 cm, and it was recently reported at Portita; the biggest pike (Esox lucius) captured in the Danube Delta had 18 kilos and it was over one meter long; the biggest crap (Cyprinus carpio), captured at Sfantul Gheorghe (Saint George), had 48.5 kilos weight, and the biggest sheat fish (Silurus glanis) captured in the Danube Delta had a weight of 400 kilos; the most longeval animals in the Danube Delta are the land turtle (Testudo graeca ibera) and the water turtle (Emy obicularis), that can live about 120 years.

The Danube’s branches

One can say that the Danube Delta takes shape at Patlageanca, where it is divided in two river branches, Chilia at North and Tulcea at South. The last one is divided in Sulina Branch and Sfantul Gheorghe (Saint George) Branch when reaching the Ceatal Sfantu Gheorghe.

Chilia Branch , with a length of 104 km, marks the border with Ukraine, and carries about 60% of the Danube’s flow and alluvium. That is why the width of the Danube Delta increases by around 40 meters per year. On its banks there are the villages of Palazu, Pardina, Chilia Veche and Periprava.

Sulina Branch , with a length of 71 km, passes through the middle of the Danube Delta and has a linear course, proper to the navigation of maritime ships. This one is permanently dragged and carries only 18% of the Danube’s flow. On its banks there are the villages of Ilganii de Sus, Maliuc, Gorgova, Crisan, Vulturu and Partizani, and the town of Sulina.

Sfantul Gheorghe (Saint George) Branch is 112 km long, is south-east oriented, carries 22% of the Danube’s flow and when flowing into the Black Sea, it forms the Sacalin Islands, considered to be the beginning of a secondary delta. On its banks there are the villages of Nufaru, Mahmudia, Uzlina and Sf. Gheorghe.
Other sources state that Chilia Branch is 120 km length, Sulina Branch – 64 km and Sfantul Gheorghe (Saint George) Branch – 108 km.

There you can find many navigable channels and some of them are opened for tourists to admire the birds and other animals

How to get there?

The best way to arrive into the Danube Delta is by personal car, other possibilities would be less practical. There are also maxi-taxis in Bucharest, Galati and Constanta that travel to Danube Delta every hour; there are trains that travel from Bucharest and Constanta to Tulcea, but they are way too slow. TAROM agency facilitates a weekly flight to Tulcea.

vineri, 30 martie 2012

Autumn Landscapes in Romania

As you probably know , Romania has many picturesque landscapes

The following photos were taken in the Carpathian Mountains , in an area where very few people live .

There are also some pretty animals near an abandoned chalet . I hope you enjoy them !

A photo is worth a thousand words!

Here we can see a beautiful landscape . This picture was taken in the Carpathian Mountains in a place where very people live and they are in harmony with the nature . The dominant colors are brown , red and yellow . There are only a few trees which are green  , the nature is preparing to face the winter.

We can also see there some sheep which are grazing . In Romania almost all the people which are living in the mountains are rearing sheep , cows for milk and horses because they help them in agriculture(not all people possess tractors or machines)
This picture was taken in a forest and we can see a little river flowing smoothly.

These are the horses which help people in agriculture.

Here we can see a calf. It is probably around 6-8 months old.

As you can see sheep have a very thick wool and in the past people used to make clothes and carpets out of it.

     An abandoned old chalet which was inhabited by people who went to cities.

In the left part of the picture we can see some hay which is used to feed animals in the winter when the lands are covered by snow.

Here we can see a path which connect two villages situated on the mountain.

joi, 29 martie 2012


Transfagarasan road is one of the best roads in the world and the awesome landscapes makes it unique.

The road climbs to 2.034 meters altitude. Built as a strategic military route , the 90 km of twist and turns run north to south across the tallest sections of the southern Carpathians , between the highest peak in the country , Moldoveanu , and the second highest  , Negoiu . The road connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia , and the cities of Sibiu and Pitesti .

The road is usually closed from late October until late June because of snow. Depending on the weather , it may remain open until as late as November . It may also be closed , at times , because of weather conditions  (it occasionally snows even in August).

Transfagarasan road best road romania muntii fagaras mountains balea lac balea cascada Transfagarasan Road in July

Thransfagarasan road the best road in the world summer

The Top Gear Team Jeremy Clarkson Richard Hammond James May Transfagarasan road the best road in the world
The well known Top Gear Team came to film here in 2010

Sheeps grazing near Transfagarasan Road In Fagaras Mountains Romania
Sheeps are grazeing at a very high altitude in their own habitat.

Fagaras Mountains Muntii Fagaras landscape in winter near transfagarasan
Winter landscape in Fagaras mountains
Transfagarasan snow winter closed Fagaras Mountains
The Transfagarasan Road filled with snow
Fagaras mountains Transfagarasan road Transalpina winter snow top
On the top of the Fagaras Mountains

Balea Lake

Balea Lake (Balea Lac in romanian) is a glacier lake situated at 2.035 meters of altitude in the Fagaras mountains , in central Romania , Sibiu Country. 
There are two chalets opened all the year round , a meteorological station and a mountain rescue station.
It is accessible by car on the Transfagarasan Road  during summer and the rest of the year by cable from the  Balea Cascada chalet.
Balea Lake in winter frozen snow cold transfagarasan balea cascada
Balea Lake in the winter , partially frozen.
Balea Lake Lac sunny day Muntii Fagaras Mountains Transfagarasan
Balea Lake in the summer.

Ice Hotel Balea Lac Lake East Europe Romania Snow Muntii Fagaras Mountains Transfagarasan winter
The Ice Hotel near Balea Lake

Vidraru Lake and Vidraru Dam

Vidraru dam is located on the bank of the Arges River, between the slopes of Pleasa and Vidraru Mountains, along Transfagarasan Road, at about 40 kilometers far from Curtea de Arges, Vidraru Dam is considered by specialists a real jewelry of engineering. It was built, with many human sacrifices (about 80 persons lost their lives during its construction) between 1961 and 1966. 42 kilometers of subterranean galleries were drilled, about 1 768 000 cubic meters of hard rocks were excavated (of which one million had to be extracted from the undergrounds), 930 000 cubic meters of concrete were used and 6 300 tons of electro – mechanics equipment were set up for its construction. 

At the completion date, it ranked 5th in Europe, and 9th in the world. As specialists say, it is a double curved dam, its height is 166 meters and arch length 307 meters. Its outline is electrically lighted by night, so it can be noticed from the plane. The access to the Dam is by the East border of the lake, on the road that climbs to Balea. At the end of the dam, one can take left to Cumpana Depression. Tourists can climb to Belvedere platform to admire the beautiful landscape.

The accumulation lake, with a water accumulation volume of 465 million cubic meters, has 10, 3 km in length, and a maximum width of 2,2 kilometers (in the Valea Lupului zone – Calugarita), a total surface of 870 hectare and the maximum depth of 155 meters. The power station is in the underground, in the Cetatuia Massif, at 104 meters depth, and it can generate an approximate of 400 GWh per year.

The Vidraru Dam in 1966 when it was built.
The natives who worked at the construction of the giant from the mountains remember that there were hard conditions and that many men lost their lives. Nobody knows the precise number. In some documents it is stated that it was about 80 workers that died in different accidents, in some others about 20. It is certain that after more than 40 years Vidraru Dam attracts thousand of tourists, even foreigners, which are amazed by this monument of the engineering technique.

The inhabitants of Curtea de Arges remember how their town flourished in the years when the dam was built. Today some of them think, frightened, about the fact that, if anything wrong happens there in the mountains, the freshet would reach Curtea de Arges in seven minutes, and the high of the waves would be of about half a block of flats. There was a problem back in 1977, when one of the slide valves blocked because of the water infiltrations, and hundred of tones of water washed the downstream localities, destroying several houses and killing a woman. But this kind of problems can no longer appear nowadays, or at least that is what the management team of Vidraru Dam states.

On Plesa Mountain there is also the sculpture of Prometheus, with the flash of lightning in his hand, as a symbol of electricity, made by sculptor Constantin Popovici. Few hundred meters far from the Dam there is “Casa Argeseana” and also the wharf where they organize pleasure trips by boat. The highest launching runway for bungee jumping was arranged at the Dam for the extreme sport lovers.

Poenari Fortress

Nearby, located on the top of the mountain, there is the Poenari Fortress, a former residence of Vlad Tepes (also called Dracula), built as a fortress against the Ottoman invaders. There is a road of over 1000 steps that leads to the fortress. Although it is just a ruin, one can take photos of the Vidraru Dam and Fagaras Mountains. Extreme sensations lovers say that this is the meeting place of vampires, taking as argument the song “The Curse of Poenari” of the black metal band Wallachia.