vineri, 30 martie 2012

Autumn Landscapes in Romania

As you probably know , Romania has many picturesque landscapes

The following photos were taken in the Carpathian Mountains , in an area where very few people live .

There are also some pretty animals near an abandoned chalet . I hope you enjoy them !

A photo is worth a thousand words!

Here we can see a beautiful landscape . This picture was taken in the Carpathian Mountains in a place where very people live and they are in harmony with the nature . The dominant colors are brown , red and yellow . There are only a few trees which are green  , the nature is preparing to face the winter.

We can also see there some sheep which are grazing . In Romania almost all the people which are living in the mountains are rearing sheep , cows for milk and horses because they help them in agriculture(not all people possess tractors or machines)
This picture was taken in a forest and we can see a little river flowing smoothly.

These are the horses which help people in agriculture.

Here we can see a calf. It is probably around 6-8 months old.

As you can see sheep have a very thick wool and in the past people used to make clothes and carpets out of it.

     An abandoned old chalet which was inhabited by people who went to cities.

In the left part of the picture we can see some hay which is used to feed animals in the winter when the lands are covered by snow.

Here we can see a path which connect two villages situated on the mountain.

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